
Alexis Eke is an illustrator and founder of Cendia. Her heart is to see Christian art driven by the revelation of Jesus and excellence to impact generations for Christ. 

What does Cendia mean? From the full Spanish word encendia, it means to set on fire/to ignite. Cendia was a word received in prayer and confirmed through a dream. Deeply connected to the translation of cendia, we desire to see artists set on fire for Christ, being a light in the creative industry. We believe God wants to use His children to make art that causes eyes and ears to turn away from the world to Jesus Christ.

What does Cendia look like?

We host gatherings for Christian artists filled with worship, prayer, the preaching of Gods Word and fellowship.

We host our art showcase once a year. From visual artists to filmmakers, we select 10-20 artists to showcase their work to an audience. This is an opportunity for Christian artists to use their art to preach the gospel and plant seeds of truth.